Thursday 29 December 2022

Is anyone still out there?

So, after 11 years, I  have finally completed a fully custom deck of playing cards which have just been put up on Kickstarter.

Anyone up for finishing this journey with me? 

As well as that, I have just started work on my second deck (I am hoping my first one gets funded first :) and the second deck is A VERSION OF THE RAPTOR CONCEPT THAT I WAS SKETCHING UP ON HERE BACK IN 2011.

Crazy right? 

I have no idea if anyone ever even looks at this blog anymore and I'm surprised I could even still sign in to the same account, but here I am, so let's get this thing funded and then move on to deck number 2 which will be an all-singing all-dancing homage to the Raptor back playing cards further down this blog. 

Kickstarter here: please pledge generously and spread the word! 

I will be back tomorrow to see if anyone has noticed my return 😂