Monday 16 May 2011

Ace of Spades concept v2

This would require me drawing the eagle out and dropping it in there to replace this photoshopped version which I have included only as a concept, what do people think? I'm running with a finalised version of this or the skull beneath. Probably this.



  1. 1 vote for the skull from me. I like this too, though.

  2. I think this looks better than the skulls :-)) particularly as the overall design in eagles so I think it fits and doesn't mix metaphors

  3. i think that this one is better, although i think that it would look nicer if it didnt have the grey boxes, and if the black outline of the ace was more interesting, maybe having a feather texture to it?

  4. What happened to the eagle design? Are you working on it? Because, I think the first eagle back still needs work,

  5. Joe - my sketch concept had eagle talons running around the outline of the Ace, I will try to work these in when I draw the eagle up in the next revision.

    Anon - the first eagle back design was a very rough draft for illustrative purposes only. The design will be both changed (quite a bit) and drawn up in neat.


  6. I like the Eagle Ace A LOT more than the skull.
