Friday 6 May 2011

Polls polls polls!

Some poll results for y'all...


An overwhelming majority of people voted against the use of skulls in my back design, with 23 no vs. 11 yes that's more or less a 2 to 1 majority, however, I have had several people on the forums and elsewhere tell me they would welcome skulls cautiously if and only if they were done right and added something to the design and weren't just in there for the sake of it, which is how I feel anyway, so the skulls still have a chance...

Favourite colour for a deck:

Incredibly even on this one, with no majority preferences to speak of, bar the odd result, red, blue and black all seem to be evenly loved, with the results: 8 red vs. 9 blue vs. 9 black. From a design perspective this means the first run of my deck can go on any of the three colours, although I was tending toward blue myself and possibly black for neutrality reasons (so hard to choose red over blue or vice versa!), the remaining two colours would be second edition print runs.

Tallys or Bikes:

As expected, a majority of people would prefer the deck to be printed on tally stock rather than bike, with 13 tally vs. 4 bike, a 3 to 1 majority. It's definitely gonna be tallys...


Now going up


  1. is it possible to have a slightly thinker stock on the cards? like they are on the old tallys?

  2. I'm not even sure the old tallys were thicker to be honest, I think they just felt slightly different. I'll try and look into this.

    I am almost certainly going to be printing onto tally stock though, the only real alternative is bicycle which isn't as good and possibly bee which is a games-players' stock not a card-handlers'.
