Thursday 26 May 2011

Revised v1 Raptor backs...

Added pop and circular symmetry with a quick but effective revision...

What to do with those empty circles though?!?



  1. Less is more ..... maybe put some thing in the middle but the outside ones look good as they are

  2. My fave so far.

    Also, whats with the celebrity tags?

  3. cheers Pav - I think I'm in agreement with you!

    Anon - the celebrity tags were a barefaced attempt to get more google hits!

  4. I would have to agree with pavel as well. If it's too complicated right there in the middle it might just make it seem confusing.

  5. yeah austin, i agree, it definitely needs something though! I do have a pretty cool idea so I'm gonna work that into the next revision! Real busy at the moment and going away for the weekend but gonna crack on with some design work next week for sure.
