Tuesday 3 May 2011

Imperial Eagle concept

OK, this took a few attempts to get to anything even halfway respectable. The first 2 iterations were horrrendous. This is looking promising though. What do people think? It doesn't have any skulls in (yay)!

The next iteration of this design will look a heap better by:
  • bolder more prominent wings with less feathers reaching all the way out to the side borders and set to a new circle aside from the circle the eagle sits in
  • less scribble detail, slightly bolder overall
  • revised legs and scroll details
  • fleur-de-lys weapons revised to look how they're supposed to!
  • Wing feathers in a radial flourish in the centre circle to complement the wings in each quarter
This is pretty much it now. I'm gonna revise this to the point where it's a runner and then work this and the skull design up into a polished print-ready image and decide which one I want to develop at which point I will only develop the ace, jokers, artwork card and tuckbox for the design I have chosen and put the pedal to the metal towards getting the deck published. The other design I will work up in my own time and maybe publish at a later date once the first one has sold thousands :-)


  1. Dude this is a hundred thousand times better than the skull design. Great work! I would definitely buy a deck of these.

  2. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttt! this is my favourite :) i agree though on the central wheel thing, it needs something in it, but other than that, it looks awesome :) also, i think it will open a lot of doors in the creation of the ace.... :)

  3. Right now I like the Skull design. But in revisions time I may like the eagle. When I saw the first skull design, I did not like it so, I don't know yet. I think once both are at there final polished image I will decide.
