Friday 6 May 2011

Legal approval and design updates

The USPCC legal department have just approved my tally-ho style tuckbox design, there was potentially an issue with it being very similar to the existing tally box which is obviously a deliberate homage on my part given the stock I will be publishing the deck onto but I have just been given the all-clear to use a tally-style box which is great news :-) although the name and design will be changed slightly if I run with the eagle concept and not the gears n skulls, I'm almost certainly gonna be using a tally style box. Love it! It has always been one of my favourite boxes, and I think it will make a welcome change to all the custom bike designs/boxes there are out there at the moment.

On a design front, I have started concept-designing in a different way and have had immediately pleasing results, I will post my first and second drafts and a slightly developed mock-up version over the weekend, the eagle-back concept has become much more streamlined and aesthetically pleasing now incorporating the circle-heavy symmetry I've always wanted my deck to exhibit. I'm excited! I'm also gonna start vectorising my artwork at this stage in the design process and move onto the Ace of Spades, Joker, and Artwork card designs asap. I am toying with the idea of working up a slightly embellished ace design for each ace, not just the ace of spades, although I'm not sure. What do people think? I'll make a poll...

More on the way soon guys...


  1. I like the idea of a slightly embellished ace design for each ace, Alex. :)

  2. cool! I think I do too, will come up with some designs, although the hearts, clubs and diamonds would be smaller and less detailed than the spades of course :-)
