Saturday 14 May 2011

High Court

This is actually a 7 colour face scheme compared to the standard American faces which are 3 colour. I really went to town on the detail, with faces and hands, fingernails, hair and eyes all receiving their own unique colour. I want these picture cards to wow everyone who looks at them because of their beautiful colour scheme, but also to impress upon closer scrutiny once all the details are taken in.

The Jack and Queen of Spades are both holding something black to show their allegiance to their king, as the Jack and Queen of Hearts are both holding something red.

The colour scheme is based on a European style deck but the addition of the racing green was an idea of my own that I haven't seen anywhere else and I think works incredibly nicely.

I will get to work on the Ace of Spades (which I have sketch designed) and the Jokers very shortly and complete the full set of face cards before returning to the back designs.

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