Thursday 7 April 2011

New Toys :-)

So the other day I ordered a few of the existing custom decks that are available to buy at the moment, and when I got in from work today they were waiting for me all nice and wrapped up ready for me to open like a kid at Christmas time!!

I ordered from the Card Collection at, a little place I have been buying my decks from since as long as I've been buying things over the internet. I wouldn't go anywhere else, they've always been great.

I ordered a deck of Sentinels; Karnivals; David Blaine Split Spades and black Tallys (the regular deck in black, not the inverted vipers). I also ordered two decks each of blue tally fans and red tally circles - just to treat myself (why not?).

First off, I was way disappointed to discover my Split Spades were inverted! I must have overlooked this detail when I purchased and I hate inverted decks! They just look wrong, and I was really looking forward to checking out the Split Spades as out of all the custom decks they represent the closest thing to a perfect balance between the new and the old: the fashionable and the classic, to me at least. Oh well!

I had a brief look at the Sentinels which I must say handled incredibly well and felt very heavy as a deck. Very nice.

First impressions of the Karnivals were so so, and I've already decided the black tallys aren't half as good as the blue or red decks.

I had to run straight out this evening and didn't get a chance to really check out the artwork and handle the different decks but soon as I do there'll be photos and critiques! Looking forward to getting to grips with these custom artwork decks, they're some pretty cool decks!

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