Sunday 17 April 2011

Skull concept v1.2

The 2nd iteration looks something like this. I guess I went in more of a gothic steampunk direction with the interlacing cogs, it just felt right. The wings now fade in behind the machinery and hang down at the side of the skull as well as spreading out toward the centre. I tried making the flourishing more in keeping with the tone of the piece by making it thorny/tribal weave.

Notes to self: in order to improve the next revision will have :
  • skulls placed slightly closer to the centre
  • a central cog ever so slightly skinnier
  • slightly bolder and more prominent wings
  • revised flourishing
  • different spoke finish to the central cog
  • spoke centres in the smaller cogs
I'm enjoying the circle-heavy symmetry in this design, it should look good in the hands of a flourisher. I have this thing about a magician's deck having a back design that almost hypnotises you when the cards fan...

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