Monday 18 April 2011

Skull concept v1.3

This evening's effort, despite a lot of time and stuff, came out looking horrible. The wings are now too prominent and need to dip back into the shadows somewhat, they've made the design far too busy and drowned out any nice symmetry the cogs were presenting. The flourishing looks nowhere near as good as the last attempt, the cogs have bigger teeth which was an intentional experiment on my part but it looks naff, the skull features are too white and need to be broken up somehow, etc. etc. etc.


(edit to add: with the addition of 24hrs this design is no longer quite so bad to my eyes, but still needs big improvements)

There's a perfect design in there somewhere, just need to tease it out. The next revision will be that step closer to looking how I want it... hopefully


  1. Yuk?? i really like this, i think that the design is more apealing because of the wings being so prominent, i also really like the spear heads that are pointing out at the compus (i cant spell :) points. also i think i like the skulls more on this one than the previous one, as i think that the width of the jaw is well suited be being large and it makes the teeth easier to see...
    just my two pence though :P

  2. hiya Joe :-)

    i suppose yuk was a bit strong, i was just expecting this revision to be so much closer to how I want the finished design to look, and even though the drawing was much better, design-wise I feel it was a step back from the previous one.

    thanks for your continued interest!

    the next revision of this design will kick ass, don't you worry!!!!

  3. haha, im looking forward to it :)
